Why Norway’s Renewable Energy Boom is Happening Everywhere But Here

In-person and virtual events 

Tuesday, 13th of August

15.30-16.30 pm

Smalsund, Arendal

See the recording here

If Norway’s got all these new renewable energy companies, why do they only work abroad?  

These clean tech companies specialize in batteries, renewable energy and energy management systems. Everything the world needs to stop global warming. Only they are exporting most of their business abroad. The reason?

It’s not because Norway is already green, far from it. Last year, Norway was denied permission to speak during the UN General Assembly. Unlike other nations, we couldn't present credible actions, policies, and plans to decarbonize our economy.

Norway’s renewable energy companies are forced to seek business abroad due to unworkable conditions at home. The current regulations make it neither profitable nor feasible to operate domestically. Consequently, the energy transition is progressing in Europe, but stagnating here in Norway.

A Capgemini report reveals that 75 % of industry executives believe their sustainability goals are unattainable without climate tech.

Despite persistent pleas from renewable energy companies, the Norwegian government’s response has been to hire more consultants to expedite the licensing process at The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE). Currently, the NVE has nearly 300 cases under consideration, with 155 more in the queue. The Norwegian industry is "screaming for power," as stated by Renewables Norway. 

Meanwhile Norway's green transition remains a paper tiger. There are plenty of reports about what needs to be done, but very little decarbonization is actually happening. 

The green transition requires us to rebuild our energy system from the ground up, not just expand the existing grid. Only then can climate tech companies truly aid Norwegian industries in decarbonizing, which is crucial for their survival in the coming decade.

The global energy system needs a complete overhaul, inviting new industries to the table, not just the old players. The green transition is no longer hindered by technology; we have the tech. We’re just waiting for Norway to give the green light.

Join us for a panel debate as we delve into Norway’s blooming climate tech industry. What should Norway do to protect and support it? Explore how Norway can unlock its renewable potential, asking the hard questions about why our energy innovators are forced to look abroad. 

Why is domestic growth stagnant? With guest speakers like Siren Sundby, Managing Director of Capgemini Invent Norge; Gunnar Birkeland, CEO of Source Galileo Norge and Chairman of Goliatvind (the next offshore wind project in Norway); John Markus Lervik, Chief Strategy and Development Officer and Co-founder of Cognite; Camilla Nilsson, CEO of Kyoto Group, this panel will unravel the paradox of Norway’s clean tech sector thriving globally while facing hurdles at home. Explore the constraints imposed by current regulations and discuss the necessary overhaul of Norway’s energy systems to support and accelerate local industry decarbonization.

Download the presentation


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  • Who: Kyoto Group, Capgemini, Galileo Norge and Cognite

  • What:  Arendalsuka

  • Time: Tuesday, August 13th at  15:30 CEST

  • Where: Galleri Smalsund,
    Nedre Tyholmsvei 16, Arendal.


Camilla Nilsson



Siren Sundby



Gunnar Birkeland



John Markus Lervik



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Don't miss Camilla Nilsson's participation when we gathered the upcoming stars of Norwegian clean tech and politicians for a heated discussion.


Is Old Energy Norway Blocking New Energy Innovations? ( in Norwegian)

  • Organized by: Coupler AS
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 14:00 - 15:00
  • Location: Smalsund
  • Overview: Delve into a discussion on whether existing energy infrastructures are hindering new energy solutions. This debate will examine the constraints of current energy systems and the potential for new technologies to make Norway more self-sufficient in renewable power production.

Learn more here


Join us and engage with industry leaders, policymakers, and innovators as we tackle these vital topics. Both sessions promise to offer deep insights into how Norway can lead in renewable energy and what structural changes are needed to support this transformation.