Future CleanTech Festival 2024 

Tuesday-Wednesday, 28-29 May

Remscheid, Germany


Future CleanTech Festival 2024 


Future CleanTech Festival is taking over Remscheid, Germany, for two days! This year, in collaboration with UN Climate Change, UNIDO ITPO Germany, and the European Innovation Council (EIC), it will focus on structural innovation in various thematic chapters, including transport (aviation and shipping), construction, high-temperature process heat, and future energy systems. It will bring together a variety of stakeholders, from policymakers and innovators to industry players and think tanks.

Kyoto's CTO Bjarke Buchbjerg will be speaking in 'The Future Energy Systems' chapter to address how we can produce electricity more flexibly in a session co-organized with IRENA, as well as “How to Store Energy? – Requirements, Solutions and Barriers to Scale Seasonal Storage”, together with the European Innovation Council. Finally, the third session is a policy roundtable focused on potential solutions and market mechanisms to incentivize energy storage and flexible clean energy generation (24/7 clean PPAs, CfDs, etc.).

Learn more and register here

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Future CleanTech Festival 24:

  • Who: CTO Bjarke Buchbjerg 

  • What: Speaking at the conference

  • Time: Tuesday-Wednesday, May 28-29

  • Where: Remscheid, Germany


Bjarke Buchbjerg


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